
[Inspired by the Adinkra Symbol/Fanti proverb: “Odo nnyew fie kwan.” Means: Love never loses the way home]

Love is a sword:
A sword of light;
It does not lose.

Love is a Word:
One and true
Load of power.

Love is a Way:
The only path
Leading home.

Love lays Life,
Owns all things;
Is Sovereign.

Love is consistent,
And resilient;
Always present.

Love is stronger
Than 10,000 armies;
It prevails.

Love is Light
That comforts
And guides.

Love is Friendship;
Love is Comfort;
Lifts you high up
On its arm.

Love is old,
Love is new,
Teaching all.

Love is fearless
Because it trusts
In Truth alone.

Love is perfect;
Though rugged its course,
Ends victorious.

You are love,
I am love,
How can we fail?

Odo nnyew fie kwan.
Buahema Christian